Alumni Update: Interview with Megan Wiesenberg
2008 BGSU graduate Megan Wiesenberg graduated with a BFA in Graphic Design and is now an art instructor at Lincoln Junior High School in Plymouth, IN. Megan displays her classroom on Instagram @ljh_artroom. You can also find Megans professional art Instagram @mwstudio_art.
Why did you choose BGSU to study design?
I grew up in Northwest Ohio and was excited to have such an amazing art school so close to home! I did I’ve on campus, even though I did not have to, and I still think that was a great experience.
What advice would you give for students currently in the program?
Hang in there, but push yourself. I honestly did not try as hard as I feel like I could have and feel like I could have been more successful as a designer if I had tried harder in college.
Is your degree a BFA in Graphic Design?
I graduated from BGSU in 2008 with a BFA in Graphic Design. A semester or two after graduating, I went back to school, this time at the University of Toledo, where I got a Masters in Art Education.
What made you want to continue your education and get an art education degree?
I have always wanted to be a teacher. Then in high school, I had an amazing teacher named Karrie King from Anthony Wayne that made me fall in love with graphic design. I do not regret my path, but I do wish I had gone into design school later in life, when I could have thrived even more!
How did you use your degree after graduation?
I still use graphic design regularly, and many staff members ask me to help them with side projects. In addition, all of my lessons are based in design (even down to the rubric). I teach 7th and 8th graders design fundamentals throughout the year. Last year, I was fortunate enough to start a Digital Art class for 8th graders that is technology and design based.
How does your training in design still influence you?
My training in design influences just about everything I do. It even influences my life outside of teaching. I am so grateful for my time at BGSU. Design is a part of me!
Interview by Faith Merryman