BGSUGD Faculty member Jenn Stucker shares ideas about creating community-based projects at the SUNY Oswego campus
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In September, BGSUGD Assistant Professor, Jenn Stucker, presented a lecture on the award-winning You Are Here (YAH) Toledo project at the SUNY Oswego campus as well as a few mini talks. Her main talk titled, “Here or Here or Here: Shaping A Sense of Place,” was attended by 100+ students, faculty, and community members, focused on the highlights of the YAH project from process to implementation and how Toledo citizens were able to actively engage in the project. The hour long talk was aimed at empowering individuals to become catalysts in their own communities for implementing positive change.
Committed to the community projects, her work in Northwest Ohio demonstrates the power of graphic design to assist in positively changing a community. Also during her visit to Oswego, Stucker presented a smaller lecture, specific to a variety of her community projects, including discussion on funding and corporate sponsorship. Jenn also presented a small lecture to design students of her work and engaged in course critique of senior portfolio work.