DIRTY: 9th Annual Portfolio Review Day
Time: Apr 9 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Place: Fine Arts Center, Bowling Green, OH, United States
Attendance: Online registration for students is open! Sign ups for Reviewers & Recent Alumi is open!

Event Details
Time: Apr 9, 2016 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Place: Fine Arts Center, Bowling Green, OH, United States
Attendance: Online registration for students is open! Sign ups for Reviewers & Recent Alumi is open!
Tickets: https://dirtyportfolioreview.eventbrite.com
Parking: Lot N
DIRTY: 9th Annual Portfolio Review Day
Modeled after our previous successful Portfolio Review Days, we have once again planned an exciting all-day event! Beginning with open registration / check-in starting promptly at 8:30am, a formal review period from 9:30am–12:30pm, lunch, keynote speaker Tyler Deal followed by pecha kucha talks from recent grads about their lives after BGSU with a Q&A to immediately follow.
Special guest and BGSUGD alum Tyler Deal will be giving a keynote talk, as well as serving as a portfolio reviewer for the day. Deal is a Chicago-based graphic designer, screen-printer and maker. Shortly after his 2011 graduation he was off to Chicago and working hard at Organizing for Action, Levy Innovations, Grip and Moving Design, all the while designing and printing gig posters under the moniker Idiot Pull. Currently Deal is designing full time for Firebelly and is running Ghost Press, a small and scrappy screen-printing outfit, with his two best friends.
We are seeking approximately 25 design professionals to act as portfolio reviewers for this year’s AIGA Toledo / BGSUGD Student Portfolio Review Day, Saturday, April 9th. For some of you, we are asking for your time once again, for others, perhaps it’s your first time. Either way, if you have three-plus years of professional design experience, and you’re willing to give us your Saturday to review student portfolios, we’ll feed you lunch and treat you like royalty, and you’ll have the unending gratitude of our student participants.
We are also looking for recent alumni speakers to produce pecha kucha talks and participate in a recent alumni Q&A panel to tell us about the good, the bad & the ugly about life after undergrad.
Reviewer & Speaker Sign up: http://goo.gl/forms/
- Registration/Check-in: 8:30–9:30am
(walk-in’s welcome, online pre-registration recommended)
- Reviews: 9:30am – 12:30pm
- Lunch: 12:30 – 1:15pm
- Tyler Deal Keynote Lecture: 1:15 – 2:30pm
- Recent Grad Pecha Kuchas with Q+As: 2:45 – 4:00pm
Online Registration: https://dirtyportfolioreview.eventbrite.com
AIGA Student Members: $35
Student Non-Members: $45
Walk-In Registration*
AIGA Student Members: $50
Student Non-Members: $60
*online registration closes midnight, April 8th!
All registration fees include one-on-one reviews, recent grad talks, Tyler Deal lecture and lunch.
Please direct any inquires to event organizer, Amy Fidler (afidler@bgsu.edu or 419.410.9117).