Design for Social Activism Campaigns

Design for Social Activism Campaigns

This purpose of this project is to design a visual communication system which informs, persuades, inspires and activates citizens to engage with today’s most pressing issues.

This project is aimed to:

  • Analyze and classify research in visual and written material (historical and contemporary)
  • Identify and create visual and written components (kit) of a graphic design/visual communication system responding to a social impact issue
  • Develop and apply design practices (brainstorming, sketching, prototyping, diagramming, etc.)
  • Create visual and written touchpoints for different communication modes
  • Apply typography with graphic images and symbols
  • Create an activism kit for users

Design a NEW visual communication system for a social impact issue :: Domestic Violence // Food Desert and Access to Quality Nutrition // Gentrification // Homelessness // Immigration // Poverty // Public Health // Race & Gender equality // Recycling and Conservation // School to Prison pipeline // Support for Artists // Veterans Issues // Voter Registration and Participation // Water Access and Safety // Any reality that is unmet or needs clarity, advocacy, and/or a voice. 

Conduct research on the issue in both historical and contemporary contexts, the audience, the necessary communication modes to communicate your message, the effectiveness of similar campaigns and the challenges of the issue. Select the kinds of communication methods needed for the best social impact results.

Student examples in the slider by: Aly Krajewski, Alexandra Hadar, Alex Uballe, Emily Frazier, Justin Coy, Mara Sansalone and Meghan O’Brien